Plasma, Neon, and Beyond
Borosilicate, Flameworking, and Plasma
Penland School of Craft
Glass Summer Session 1
Dates: May 26 – 31, 2024
Tuition: $1184.oo
(tuition includes the cost of shared materials, instructor demo materials, and hazmat disposal. Students are, however, still responsible for the cost of materials used for their own production. This materials fee will be due at the end of the session prior to departing campus)
For Lodging and Meal pricing see: penland.org/worshops/fees/
Skill Level: ALL LEVELS
⚠️While this class is labeled as ALL LEVELS it is recommended that you come with working knowledge of the core process of the class, in this case, flameworking borosilicate glass tubing. This will allow you to have a better experience when learning new skills and approaches. Be courageous, accept the potential for failure, and learn everything you can.
-Percy Echols II, Taming Lightning
This workshop is for artists interested in creating neon and plasma light sculptures. We will start with basic theory and then dive straight into flameworking techniques geared toward making lighted sculpture. We will cover the basic glass working techniques with borosilicate, fill our sculptures with gasses, discuss plasma and neon power supplies, and provide vendor information for all the equipment. This workshop will not include traditional neon tube bending. All levels. Neon studio.
💰Apply for summer scholarships: October 15th through November 15th.
⚡Summer enrollment: opens on January 15, 12:00 PM ET.

Meet your Instructors

Wayne is a studio artist, engineer, designer, author, and owner of Strattman Design, the leading maker of plasma displays for museums, trade shows, and movie companies worldwide; teaching: Pilchuck (WA), The Studio at Corning (NY), UrbanGlass (NYC), Penland; editor of the 4th edition of Neon Techniques; Handbook of Neon Sign and Cold Cathode Lighting, author of The Art of Plasma.
David Wilson
David is a studio artist with 40 years of glassblowing experience; teacher of multiple Penland neon workshops; producer of Glo-glass fluorescent glass; experimenter in neon and plasma combined with hot glass; also operates Atomic Solar Energy, a full service renewable energy company.