Im 52 years old and owner of NPSIGNS Australia. Ive been in the neon industry for over 30 years.
My first plasma piece was some 10 or 12 years ago.. didn’t really know what I was doing and used a 7KV driver from a well known supplier. I was very disappointed with the results that was not so amazing and figured that there was no way to make good plasma unless it was the typical ball we see.. no point in repeating whats already available cheaply. But then I saw the Artwork of some PAA Members and realized I had missed the boat completely!
That set me off with a lot of enthusiasm and I started over again.. this is some 2 years ago now.
But.. I then realized that good drivers are hard to come by. I had already designed my own neon driver ( still running flawlessly 2 years later) and set about designing a low voltage 24VDC driver that produced results… I think ive done this OK and the the KSP24 is just about to come to market.