David, Kazumi & Shion Kobayashi Svenson

David, Kazumi & Shion Kobayashi Svenson


We hope with HOPE that the world will work together for a better future for our children for generations to come. We can do it! Absorb nature. Appreciate nature. Preserve nature!

David Svenson & Kazumi Kobayashi Svenson


“I am Shion Kobayashi Svenson. I am 10 years old. I love making LED light sculpture. I am stuck at home now and making things and catching lizards who are my friends. I am tired of wearing a mask, but I will until it is safe. I hope everybody stays safe so we can have fun again.”

Shion Kobayashi Svenson

David Svenson & Kazumi Kobayashi Svenson - “Electric Daisy”, 8’ x 8’ animated neon
Shion Kobayashi Svenson - “Electronic Daisy” - LED and soldering, 2020

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